The short film “The Charming Man,” Lars Hansen who was enrolled in job training program finds an opportunity to work at a print shop but his credential’s get mixed up with a Pakistani, El Hassan.” El Hansan was going to be in a foreign language program since he was an immigrant to the country. El Hassan was discriminated against for being a different race this was a bad decision on behalf the management. “Human resources management is the practice of legal discrimination. There is a difference between legal and illegal discrimination. From a technical standpoint, selection, training, and appraisals are all discriminatory practices, since they all involve choosing one individual over another based on discernible differences.” (Managing Hospitality Human Resources. Robert H. Woods. Page 3)
The management should not have judged him or told him he couldn’t get the job based on his name being ethnic. “All employers all employers are required to abide by EEO laws and regulations. However, only employers are required to abide by EEO laws and regulation.” It seems there was no regulation of human resource policies. “Because there was almost no regulation of human resource policies, wide-spread employment discrimination was often the rule, especially for some groups.” (Managing Hospitality Human Resources. Robert H. Woods. Page 3)
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